
Jerry Seinfeld Gives Vicious Pro-Palestinian Protesters the Exact Response They Deserve


If this particular crop of pro-Palestinian protesters were hoping to get a reaction out of comedian Jerry Seinfeld, then they probably should have prepared themselves for bitter disappointment.

As seen in a recent video making the rounds on social media, the legendary comedian was leaving an event featuring Jewish-American journalist Bari Weiss in New York City, when he was faced with a vicious group of leftist demonstrators.

The confrontation took place Saturday night, according to Fox News.

Video is below:

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As these protesters are wont to do, they spewed all sorts of insults at Seinfeld, chanting at him, among other names, “Nazi Scum” and “genocide supporter.”

Seinfeld, however, was completely unfazed.

Instead of engaging with the protesters, he smiled at them, waved, and got into his car without offering any comment, or even apparent concern for his safety.

Are you a fan of Jerry Seinfeld?

The latter was probably thanks to the significant police and security presence at this event, but regardless, to present yourself as completely calm in the face of obnoxious protesters yelling all sorts of terrible and untrue things in your face is nothing short of remarkable.

Users reacting to the video noticed Seinfeld’s professionalism and poise as well.

One user commented that, “I’m glad Seinfeld didn’t let them bother him. That’s probably the [best] response possible. Don’t get dragged down to their level,” while another called his reaction “Pure class.”

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Of course, social media being what it is, there were plenty of commenters who took the side of the protesters, smearing both Seinfeld and Weiss.

But it’s the many who praised Seinfeld for his poise that are worth noticing.

One user noted that “Jerry Seinfeld so doesn’t care about those clowns.” Another concurred, writing that “Jerry Seinfeld and most Americans don’t give a rip about what these annoying pro-Hamas protesters scream at them. If they want to side with a bunch of genocidal, antisemitic lunatics, that’s on them. Kudos to Jerry Seinfeld!”

As an experienced comedian in the most brutal specialty of standup comedy, Jerry Seinfeld clearly knows exactly how to handle hecklers.

When it comes to these pro-Palestinian protesters, who, like the innumerable college-aged left-wing protesters plaguing our cities since, at least, the election of Donald Trump, what they want most is attention.

They want more than anything breathless media coverage and to get a rise out of their opponents, like a schoolyard bully.

Like a parent dealing with a toddler’s tantrum, the best way to take the wind out of their sails is simply not to react.

Instead, maybe smile and wave, but otherwise don’t even acknowledge the presence of these vicious thugs.

Hopefully, they’ll get bored and give up, but even if they persist, they’re the ones who will look foolish for trying to continue an argument with someone who is clearly not interested.

Seinfeld engaging with protesters who have no intention of engaging in rational discussion would have turned real ugly, real fast. (One can only imagine how Seinfeld’s excitable sitcom buddy George Costanza would have handled it.)

By ignoring them and their ugly words, he made them even angrier.

And in this case, that’s the real victory — and exactly the response they deserve.

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