
Meghan and Harry Snubbed at Queen's Funeral ... Did You Notice Where They Were Seated?


It appears that, when it comes to the seating arrangement, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were snubbed at Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral on Monday.

The queen died Sept. 8 at 96, ending the longest reign of any British monarch.

Harry and Markle resigned from their royal duties in 2020 and proceeded to criticize the royal family via a bombshell, televised, two-hour interview with Oprah Winfrey, reportedly creating a family feud between the two parties.

During the funeral, Harry and Markle didn’t join King Charles, Prince William or any of the other members of the royal family seated in the front row, according to the New York Post’s Page Six.

Instead, Harry and Meghan were seated in the second row.

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According to Page Six, brothers William and Harry reportedly have a strained relationship and were seated “as far away from each other as could be” by being separated by the church aisle.

This wasn’t the first seemingly awkward moment for Harry and Meghan since the two returned to mourn the queen.

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On Wednesday, Meghan shared a car ride with Sophie, Countess of Wessex, during a procession of the queen’s coffin.

According to Fox News, this was especially noteworthy because Sophie was close to the late queen. In fact, this was so much the case that she has been described as a “second daughter” to Elizabeth II.

According to experts, Meghan was not looking forward to riding with Sophie.

“I am told Meghan almost buckled when informed she would be sharing a car with Sophie — after all, she had expected to drive in with her husband Prince Harry. But when he agreed to walk behind the coffin of the late queen all that changed, causing Meghan to have, some say, a slight ‘moment,’” Neil Sean of Fox News reported.

Sean went on to report that “no words were spoken” during the ride and Markle was left “shaken” by the incident.

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According to the U.K. Guardian, after the funeral, the queen’s coffin was to be transferred to St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle for a committal service.

She will then be buried next to her father, mother and sister. The coffin of Elizabeth’s late husband, Prince Philip, will be moved so that it can be placed alongside her.

Elizabeth’s heir, her son Charles, will then receive his coronation sometime in the spring or summer of next year.

He has already been proclaimed King Charles III.

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Michael wrote for a number of entertainment news outlets before joining The Western Journal in 2020 as a staff reporter. He now manages the writing and reporting teams, overseeing the production of commentary, news and original reporting content.
Michael Austin graduated from Iowa State University in 2019. During his time in college, Michael volunteered as a social media influencer for both PragerU and Live Action. After graduation, he went on to work as a freelance journalist for various entertainment news sites before joining The Western Journal in 2020 as a staff reporter.

Since then, Michael has been promoted to the role of Manager of Writing and Reporting. His responsibilities now include managing and directing the production of commentary, news and original reporting content.
Ames, Iowa
Iowa State University
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