Memo to Mitch McConnell: Come January, Confirm ALL the Judges
I don’t know Mitch McConnell, but my guess is that he enjoys being the Senate majority leader. I would also guess that if he had his druthers, he would rather see the Republican Party survive as a strong and competitive party, rather than see it become impotent and irrelevant.
Well Mitch, if you would like to accomplish those goals here is a word of advice: Confirm all of President Donald Trump’s 60+ judicial nominees as soon as you can in January. Do it fast — real fast — and urge the president to nominate candidates for the other 70+ vacancies just as quickly, so that all judicial vacancies are filled by the end of 2019.
Although this is hard work, and although such a fast schedule will upset the Democrats, you can do it because you control the Senate’s schedule, and starting in January you won’t have Jeff Flake and some others standing in your way.
And if you don’t do it, you can kiss the majority leadership goodbye. Here’s why:
The Kavanaugh hearings, the Broward county vote mess, and the “loss” of over a dozen Republican House Seats that appeared to be won on election eve, only to be surrendered to the Democrats through their use of “provisional” ballots, “imaginary” ballots, “harvested” ballots and “deceased voter” ballots all prove one thing: Democrat-progressives will do anything, and I mean anything, to get power.
They are not afraid of prosecution. The Republican establishment has proven that it doesn’t have the courage and conviction to prosecute them for voter fraud, uranium deals, illegal FISA warrants, FBI leaks, illegal immigrants voting like citizens, and a whole host of improper conduct. So what’s to stop the Democrats? Self restraint and respect for the law? Don’t make me laugh.
You can bet that come 2020, when the Republicans will be defending over 20 Senate seats, the Democrats will pull out all the stops to manufacture wins in plenty of those races. Heaven knows how many ballots the Democrats will miraculously “find” the day after the polls close in someone’s car trunk, or in a kitchen oven, or in a gym locker.
Will the Republicans find as many? Not likely. The Republicans bring knives to a knife fight. They want to show they are fair and they follow the rules.
Democrats, on the other hand, bring missile launchers and machine guns to a knife fight, secure in the knowledge that any Republicans alive after the fight will simply write a letter to the editor complaining about “unfairness,” the same way slaughtered villagers complained about the unfairness of Genghis Khan’s rampages.
Can we stop the Democrats from unleashing their Tommy Guns on election eve and the days after? Sure. There are still some prosecutors, district attorneys and election officials who can bring charges and cases against election cheaters — but guess what? All of these cases end up in front of judges.
A lot of them can end up before federal judges, and contrary to the fantasy world that Justice Roberts lives in, in the real world of politics we all know that liberal judges rarely, if ever, rule against liberal candidates or causes.
Old fashioned Republican-appointed judges, on the other hand, will play all types of word games to hold that a fine is really a tax, as Justice Roberts did to uphold Obamacare – – or that a car trunk is really a ballot box, if that’s what it takes, to prove to liberals that we are “fair” and we will not “sink to their level.”
Phooey. If a good sinking is what it takes to preserve Western Civilization — and the Rule of Law — then I say “Open the floodgates.” Let the water rise. Let’s all sink to the point where the Constitution is preserved and laws are actually enforced.
So my message to Mitch McConnell is this: Crack the bullwhip and crack open some skulls if you have to, but get all of our judges in, come January. Get them in before it is too late. Get them in while you still have the power. And get them in if you want to see our two party system survive. And hell, forget about highfalutin principles and Western Civilization, get them in if you want to keep your job as Majority Leader.
Otherwise, you’re a goner.
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