
Justice: Anti-Kavanaugh Protester Accosting Elderly Man Struck with Long Arm of the Law


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There is change in the air.

In a world where it has seemed like double standards and lack of respect for the rule of law has ruled the day, for far too long, we are starting to see a shift.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, we saw instance after instance of violence breaking out against Trump supporters with little consequence. In fact, liberals have been living under the grace of the double standard for a very long time.

Well, liberals should be warned. They may not get away with stirring up trouble and instigating violence against conservatives for much longer. One woman learned that the hard way on Saturday.

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As protesters gathered to demonstrate outside the Supreme Court, a young woman decided to target one elderly man in particular.

As she and another man danced around him too close for comfort and beat away his signs, others gathered round to help the elderly man escape her torment.

Social media being what it is in today’s culture, a video was shot, and it went viral. This young woman, who decided to harass a man who was really just minding his own business, is now exposed another liberal bully.

And one of my favorite people to follow on Twitter, James Woods, helped to spread the word about the protester bully.

Whenever Woods tweets, others follow. The outrage at her behavior ensues.

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But wait. There is justice. In this photo tweeted by Ruptly, the dancing liberal bully is shown with her hands behind her back in zip ties being led off to bully no more.

Did this liberal bully get the justice she deserved?

We don’t know if this woman was arrested or if she was just removed from the scene.

As The Daily Wire reported, “Capitol Police said officers arrested 164 people on Saturday as hundreds of protesters hopped barricades to protest at the Capitol. Dozens more protested on the steps of the Supreme Court, where the incident took place.”

Things are changing. Albeit slowly, it’s not without possibility that along with a growing economy, a conservative Supreme Court, lower taxes and a little bit of swamp draining we could see a culture shift where those who break the law may just see some consequence for their actions.

A little justice has been a long time coming. I like the sign of things hopefully to come.

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An enthusiastic grassroots Tea Party activist, Lisa Payne-Naeger has spent the better part of the last decade lobbying for educational and family issues in her state legislature, and as a keyboard warrior hoping to help along the revolution that empowers the people to retake control of their, out-of-control, government.
Lisa Payne-Naeger is passionate about all things related to influencing the configuration of our culture … family, education, politics. She’s a former school board member, turned homeschooling mom. In her quest to raise and educate her now-adult children, she has pretty much navigated every challenge and road block possible. Crusading to make the world a better place for them has led her to scrutinize the politically correct directives that steer society.
St. Louis, MO
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