
Ricky Gervais Rips Hollywood Elites: People Are 'Tired of Being Lectured To' During Quarantine


Ricky Gervais is no stranger when it comes to calling out fellow celebrities for their coronavirus shortcomings.

On Thursday, the comedian told The New York Times that everyday people must be tired of celebrities trying to tell them what to do during the pandemic all the time.

“I’ve got nothing against anyone being a celebrity or being famous. I think that people are just a bit tired of being lectured to,” Gervais said.

“Now celebrities think: ‘The general public needs to see my face. They can’t get to the cinema — I need to do something.’ And it’s when you look into their eyes, you know that, even if they’re doing something good, they’re sort of thinking, ‘I could weep at what a good person I am.’ Oh dear.”

This is the second time in just two weeks that Gervais ripped into several famous faces for their self-pity over having to quarantine in their posh mansions

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“You won’t hear me complain. Not when, every day, I see some millionaire celebrity going, ‘I’m sad that I’m not on telly tonight.’ Or, ‘I had a swim in the pool that made me feel a little bit better,'” Gervais said.

The comedian then compared the plight of frontline medical workers to celebrities bemoaning their “mansion with a swimming pool.”

“After this is over I never want to hear people moaning about the welfare state again, I never want to hear people moaning about nurses again. Or porters,” Gervais said last week.

“These people are doing 14-hour shifts and not complaining. Wearing masks, and being left with sores, after risking their own health and their families’ health selflessly. But then I see someone complaining about being in a mansion with a swimming pool. And, you know, honestly, I just don’t want to hear it.”

In lieu of complaining about his swimming pool, Gervais has been reaching out to his followers on social media and trying to be more relatable, rather than sympathetic.

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Thanks to @mattgreavesmusic for creating my Coronavirus Jingle with a soundbite from today’s Twitter Live ?

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During this week’s New York Times interview, Gervais revealed that he doesn’t care what others think, especially the rich and famous. It also seems that he likes to keep them wondering.

Do you agree with Ricky Gervais?

“I’ll pretend to be right-wing, left-wing, whatever wing, no wing,” he said referring to his offensive jokes and comments at the expense of other celebrities.

“I’ve got to be a court jester, but a court jester’s got to make sure that he doesn’t get executed as well. I’ve got to make all the peasants laugh at the king, but the king’s sort of got to like it.”

It’s clear that the coronavirus quarantine will almost assuredly end some time. It’s not nearly as clear if Gervais will ever stop roasting or messing with his fellow celebrities.

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Morgan Brantley is a former staff writer for The Western Journal. She graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a Bachelor of Science in journalism. She and her dog, Indy, moved to the Phoenix area from Nashville.
Morgan Brantley is a former staff writer for The Western Journal. She graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a Bachelor of Science in journalism. She and her dog, Indy, moved to the Phoenix area from Nashville.
