
SJW Stabbed to Death in Front of Girlfriend After Punk Shouts 'What You Lookin' At?'


Ryan Carson made his name as a social justice warrior in New York City; People Magazine called him “a longtime campaign organizer for New York Public Research Group whose work recently focused on improving recycling and solid waste management.”

There are other less appealing descriptions of Carson’s bent politically — others have linked him with campaigns for more “safe injection sites” for drug addicts and social media posts that supported far-left extremist organizations — but the point is that he was the epitome of what gets put under the “SJW [Social Justice Warrior]” umbrella, a movement that has made American cities profoundly unsafe in large part due to laxity and tolerance toward crime and criminals.

On Oct. 2, Carson tragically became a victim of the worldview he supported.

According to the New York Post, Carson, 32, was stabbed to death just before 4 a.m. on Monday morning in front of his girlfriend, attacked by a random man as the two were coming home from a wedding.

A Tuesday report from the Post describes the graphic footage of the attack that killed Carson.

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“Wearing a gray suit, Carson and the young woman, dressed in a blue, sleeveless gown, get up and begin to walk down the block, in the same direction as a man in a dark-colored sweatshirt who had just strolled past the pair at the B38 bus stop, with his hood up over his head and his hands in his pockets,” the Post reported.

“Just feet ahead of them, the stranger begins kicking scooters parked near the curb for no apparent reason, the footage – obtained by The Post on Tuesday – shows.

“Suddenly, the unhinged man turns to Carson and seethes: ‘What the f*** are you looking at?'”

Carson said he wasn’t looking at anything and got in between the raving lunatic and his girlfriend when the lunatic moved toward them.

Would this have gone differently if the victim had been armed?

“I’ll kill you!” the man shouted at Carson.

“Chill, chill!” Carson pleaded, holding up his hand.

At this point, the attacker went after Carson with a knife. The victim’s girlfriend can be heard on the video yelling, “please, please, please!” at the attacker as he went after Carson.

Carson then stumbled over the bus stop bench and the man stabbed him multiple times. A woman who police say knew the attacker then appeared in the corner of the video, yelling “Don’t hurt him!” and addressing the attacker by what, perhaps, was his name — “Brian” or “Bryan.”

The woman apologizes to Carson and his girlfriend as the girlfriend tends to the mortally wounded Carson. She directed the woman to “go watch him” while she called 911.

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An ambulance rushed Carson to Kings County Hospital Center, but one of the stab wounds, which pierced his heart, proved to be fatal.

No arrests had been made as of Tuesday afternoon.

Independent journalist Andy Ngô posted some of the video of the attack, along with allegations that “Carson became celebrated for his advocacy for more drug injection sites” and “identified himself as a member of Antifa on his social media.” A report in The Post Millennial by Jarryd Jaeger seemed to back up the first assertion, although the second claim seemed a bit more insubstantial as of Tuesday.

WARNING: The following video contains graphic language and violence that viewers may find offensive.

It’s wholly inconsequential whether or not Carson was an antifa-sympathizer or not, however. It’s a tragedy, but this is the kind of city that people like Carson worked toward: one where we’re supposed to take a “mental health” approach to individuals like this until they commit a serious violent offense.

As of Tuesday, we have no idea who this person was, although saying he was not in compos mentis isn’t exactly a stretch. Nor, indeed, is it a stretch to imagine this likely wasn’t his first encounter of the sort, although we’ll have to see what an investigation yields.

That said, the New York Public Research Group noted after the crime that “Ryan was a beloved staffer, colleague and friend, and a creative, talented, relentless and upbeat advocate for students and the environment,” according to People. “His engaging personality, hearty laugh and wide-ranging intelligence were keys to his success in advancing the causes he deeply cared about in his work and personal life.”

The causes he cared so deeply about, alas, were rooted in a deeper worldview that had little respect for the law at the macro level. When tragedies like Carson’s death happen to progressives at the micro level, there will necessarily be grieving. But there won’t be any examination of the processes that led to a system that tolerates criminality.


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C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.
C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties).
Morristown, New Jersey
Catholic University of America
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Topics of Expertise
American Politics, World Politics, Culture

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