
Suspected Cartel Gunman Opens Fire on National Guard Stationed at Border, Video Reportedly Shows


Shots were fired from the Mexican side of the border toward National Guard troops in Texas on Friday morning, new video footage reportedly shows.

“We witnessed tracer rounds from a suspected cartel machine gun being fired from Mexico into the U.S. early this morning while we were embedded with the TX National Guard in Roma, TX. Soldiers tell us the rounds went above one of their observation posts,” Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin tweeted with the video of the shots fired.

“It’s unclear if this was from a cartel gunfight, a form of intimidation to the soldiers, or just indiscriminate shooting,” Melugin added in another tweet.

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“There was a larger volley before this one, but I didn’t get my phone out in time. Soldiers believe it was a M240 machine gun or potentially a PKM. Thoughts?”

Melugin posted another video shared with him that noted the shooting was not an isolated incident.

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At least one other gunfight had been documented recently on the Mexican side of the border.

“Soldiers told us there have been cartel gunfights in Ciudad Miguel Aleman, the Mexican city across from Roma, TX, frequently in recent days and weeks,” Melugin tweeted.

“The soldiers heard gunfire and explosions two days ago and showed us this video of smoke billowing after the gunfight.”

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Despite the shootings on the Mexican side of the border, Melugin reported the situation would be far worse without the National Guard’s presence.

“It’s unimaginable what the situation would be like if Texas DPS and the National Guard weren’t deployed,” Melugin tweeted.

“The Feds do not have even remotely close to the manpower needed to handle this surge.”

Melugin added that Texas resources have been critical in responding to incidents at the border.

“In many areas, like Roma last night, Border Patrol has to rely on Texas resources to apprehend migrants first, then hand them off to federal custody for processing. There were zero BP agents we saw on the front line at the river’s edge. Not their fault. They are overwhelmed,” he tweeted.

The reports of shots fired follow widespread migrant crossings, including up to 15,000 mostly Haitian migrants illegally crossing into Del Rio, Texas, in September.

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Dillon Burroughs reports on breaking news for The Western Journal and is the author or co-author of numerous books.
Dillon Burroughs reports on breaking news for The Western Journal and is the author or co-author of numerous books. An accomplished endurance athlete, Burroughs has also completed numerous ultramarathons. He lives in Tennessee with his wife and three children.
