
Ted Cruz Makes Bold Prediction on Potential SCOTUS End to Roe v. Wade


This could change everything.

Sen. Ted Cruz is predicting the Supreme Court will issue a ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, and the reaction among the left that he thinks is sure to follow.

The Texas U.S. senator expressed his prediction in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Wednesday night.

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Hannity questioned Cruz on riot concerns before a potential ruling in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a decision that could overturn court precedents that created a federal right to abortion.

“I think the Supreme Court in the next week is going to issue its decision, I think it’s going to overturn Roe v. Wade,” Cruz said. “They could do it next week. It could be tomorrow, it could be next week.

“We don’t know for sure when the opinion will issue, but it’s soon. It’s within the next few days.”

Cruz said the court should make the move, which was suggested by the leak of a draft ruling written by Justice Samuel Alito.

Do you think Roe will be overturned?

“That’s the right decision. That will return the question of abortion to the elected legislature,” Cruz said. “That’s where the Constitution left it, that’s where it belongs.”

Partisan extremists have already been responsible for protests at the homes of Supreme Court justices and an abortive assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh in response to the leak.

Cruz predicted that the partisan left would unleash a wave of extremist violence in the aftermath of Roe’s repeal.

“They’re going to engage in riots, they’re going to engage in violence.”

“We’re going to see a reprise, I fear, of the Black Lives Matter and the antifa riots.”

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The Republican senator expects President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice and Attorney General Merrick Garland to allow the rioters free rein.

“The Department of Justice needs to step in and stop them — I halfway expect the attorney general to be rioting alongside them, because this Department of Justice has been so politicized,” he said.

A Supreme Court repeal of Roe v. Wade would be the greatest pro-life legal victory in the history of the movement — and one that would radically change the legal and political landscape of the United States.

States would be free to create their own laws on abortion, rather than facing the constraints of a federal court ruling that declared abortion as a right.

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