
Courtroom Artist Accused of Hating Ivanka Trump After Sketch Raises Eyebrows


The courtroom artist who drew a rendition of Ivanka Trump during her Wednesday testimony at her father’s fraud trial in New York is being accused of being a left-wing activist.

The eldest daughter of former President Donald Trump testified against her wishes in New York Attorney General Letitia James’ case alleging civil fraud.

The Associated Press reported she said she was not close to the kinds of financial disclosure documents that are at the heart of the case.

James has accused Trump and his company of inflating the value of its assets to secure favorable loans from banks.

Trump has denied the claims and has pointed out that any money his company borrowed was paid back in full with interest.

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The controversial trial is viewed by many as an attempt to weaponize the legal system against the former president.

Ivanka Trump’s testimony apparently offered no real insight into the Trump Organization’s business practices.

But her appearance in court might have exposed the bias of the court’s sketch artist, people on social media are alleging.

Was this an unfair portrayal of Ivanka Trump?

One X user juxtaposed an image of Ivanka Trump alongside her sketch and asked, “Where do they get these ‘courtroom artists?’”

Another X user shared the courtroom sketch and commented, “Ivanka is much prettier than the artist rendition. It was obviously a disgusting, democrat supporting court sketch artist. I’m sure Hillary would have been made to look like Marilyn Monroe at her very best.”

Yet another social media user shared the sketch and commented, “BREAKING: Courtroom sketch artist hates Ivanka Trump.”

The person concluded, “This sketch artist should be charged with a crime!”

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The New York Post identified the sketch artist as a woman named Jane Rosenberg, who was on assignment for Reuters.

The wire service reported Donald Trump Jr. made a request of Rosenberg before his testimony, presumably in order to avoid a botched sketch.

“Make me look sexy,” he reportedly joked.



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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
