
Kamala Harris Accepts VP Debate Invite Without Even Knowing Who She'll Face


Vice President Kamala Harris has accepted an invitation from CBS News to debate former President Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick this summer, the Biden campaign said Thursday.

Trump is expected to announce a running mate shortly before the Republican National Convention begins in Milwaukee on July 15. Harris’ team told the network she would debate in-studio on Tuesday, July 23, or Tuesday, August 13, and encouraged the Trump campaign to agree to one of the dates for his eventual vice presidential pick.

The Trump campaign didn’t immediately comment.

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The announcement comes after President Joe Biden and Trump agreed to two debates this summer to be hosted by CNN on June 27 and ABC on Sept. 10.

The debates are not expected to take place before live audiences — a key demand of the Biden campaign that contributed to its decision to ditch the debates organized by the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which had organized every presidential and vice presidential general election debate since 1988.

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