
Chuck Grassley Rails Against 'Unconstitutional Punishment' for Flynn, Demands 'Consequences' for FBI


Known for his reticence, Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa was in rare form Thursday, railing against the federal justice apparatus in light of revelations the FBI may have attempted to induce illegal behavior on the part of former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn during the Russia probe.

The former Senate Judiciary Committee chairman did not mince words in a series of tweets, accusing government investigators and prosecutors of “unconstitutional” misconduct throughout the course of their Logan Act inquiry into Flynn and then-president-elect Donald Trump’s 2016 White House transition team.

Grassley, a longtime proponent of congressional oversight into the foundations of the probe, also suggested the recently unsealed documents regarding FBI intentions when interviewing Flynn should be subject to independent judicial review and should potentially see the former Army lieutenant general exonerated.

“New DOJ docs seem 2back Lt Gen Flynns claim that FBI/DOJ/Mueller team railroaded 30yr veteran in Russia probe For yrs, Ive asked for DOJs Flynn records Their response: ‘nothing 2see here,'” Grassley wrote.

“Obviously not true! Time to put all cards on the table Transparency brings accountability.”

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“FBI/DOJ screwed up so many times in Russia probe, very reasonable for AG Barr + impartial judge 2take close look at Flynn case Accused deserves fairness + Public deserves accountability + Prosecutor/investigator/lawyer misconduct deserves consequences,” the senator added.

Caught up in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, Flynn was fingered for potential Logan Act violations as a result of conversations with then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak prior to Trump’s inauguration, Fox News reported.

The Logan Act, never successfully prosecuted, was signed into law in 1799 to prevent non-government actors and unauthorized American citizens from carrying out policy negotiations with foreign governments.

Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017, however, on charges of knowingly providing false statements to the FBI regarding his conversations with Kislyak.

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Years later, the case has not yet been moved to sentencing as a result of arguments since raised by Flynn’s legal team suggesting the FBI improperly gathered its evidence and that their client may have agreed to the plea deal under false pretenses.

Flynn’s defense team alleged early on in the case that the two FBI agents tasked with interviewing him had advised against having White House legal counsel present at the time.

According to NBC News, federal prosecutors had also promised Flynn leniency before flip-flopping on the guarantee, leading the former national security advisor to motion for his guilty plea to be withdrawn this past January.

And FBI notes unsealed Wednesday by the U.S. Department of Justice may be key in that fight.

Do you agree with Grassley?

Taken in the days leading up to FBI interview with Flynn, the notes reveal that investigators considered a series of approaches to their questioning of the suspect.

“What is our goal?” one of the notes read. “Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

Overnight, the documents sparked a firestorm in political circles, leading many conservatives to claim they had been proven correct in their concerns regarding the validity and legality of the Russia probe.

Grassley himself demanded those involved in the process be held legally accountable, calling on Attorney General William Barr to “intervene” and see Flynn freed.

“Many of my colleagues r rightfully calling for prosecution of ppl who violated Flynn’s constitutional rights MORE IMPORTANTLY the whole country needs to know how his rights were violated TRUTH getting out is most important so this FBI abuse wont be repeated again on someone else,” Grassley wrote.

“AttGen Barr: it’s so obvious the unconstitutional punishment that GenFlynn has had for four long years u need to intervene and #FREE FLYNN,” he added.

According to The Hill, similar talk has also come down from the Oval Office, where Trump suggested in March that he was “strongly considering” a full presidential pardon for Flynn.

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