
Exclusive: DNA Confirms Hunter Biden Is Father of Arkansas 1-Year-Old - 99.9% Match, Say Mother and Lawyer


The Western Journal has exclusively learned that Hunter Biden, son of former vice president and current Democratic presidential primary front-runner Joe Biden, is the father of a 1-year-old love child, according to the child’s mother and her lawyer.

Hunter Biden is currently at the center of a political firestorm involving allegations that his father abused the power of vice president to enrich his son, and counter-allegations that President Donald Trump attempted to expose that alleged corruption for political gain.

The woman who says Biden, 49, fathered her child is 28-year-old Arkansas native Lunden Roberts.

According to Roberts, Biden previously denied paternity and demanded that a paternity lawsuit filed by Roberts be dismissed.

In October, Roberts said Biden had privately admitted that the child was his, though he refused to acknowledge the fact in public, according to the U.K. Daily Mail.

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Based on the child’s reported age, it is likely Biden fathered the child at the same time he was in a relationship with his brother Beau’s widow, Hallie Biden. That relationship began in March 2017 and reportedly ended in early to mid-2019.

Roberts, a former college basketball player, left Arkansas to work in Washington, D.C., where she eventually met Biden and the two entered a relationship.

In an exclusive interview with The Western Journal, Roberts’ attorney, Clinton Lancaster of the Lancaster Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas, said a DNA test has positively established paternity with a certainty of 99.9 percent.

According to Lancaster, DNA Solutions Inc. in Oklahoma City was chosen as a testing site in a neutral area, presumably where neither Biden nor Roberts was likely to have contacts or any ability to influence the results.

Lancaster said Hunter Biden’s wife, Melissa, accompanied her husband for the testing. Lancaster accompanied Roberts.

According to Lancaster, the testing lab was shut down for the day, creating a completely confidential environment for Biden and Roberts. The results were reportedly given within six hours of testing.

To ensure the test’s integrity, Lancaster was present in the lab with the container of Biden’s saliva sample over the six-hour process, leaving it only once when it was loaded into a secure processing machine that would log any attempts to access the sample.

Lancaster said Roberts has no desire to take advantage of her child’s paternal family but does want Biden to support his child.

“There is a Biden in Arkansas,” Lancaster said. “Ms. Roberts wants Mr. Biden to support his child. … We want people to do the right thing.”

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A hearing to establish temporary child support will take place in Arkansas in early December, according to Lancaster.

Asked if he anticipates further litigation, Lancaster said there “may well be litigation on an appropriate child support amount.”

Attempts to reach Hunter Biden for comment were not successful, and Vice President Biden’s campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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Josh Manning is deputy managing editor for assignment at The Western Journal. He holds a masters in public policy from Harvard University and has a background in higher education.
Josh Manning grew up outside of Memphis, TN and developed a love of history, politics, and government studies thanks to a life-changing history and civics teacher named Mr. McBride.

He holds an MPP from Harvard University and a BA from Lyon College, a small but distinguished liberal arts college where later in his career he served as an interim vice president.

While in school he did everything possible to confront, discomfit, and drive ivy league liberals to their knees.

After a number of years working in academe, he moved to digital journalism and opinion. Since that point, he has held various leadership positions at The Western Journal.

He's married to a gorgeous blonde who played in the 1998 NCAA women's basketball championship game, and he has two teens who hate doing dishes more than poison. He makes life possible for two boxers -- "Hank" Rearden Manning and "Tucker" Carlson Manning -- and a pitbull named Nikki Haley "Gracie" Manning.
MPP from Harvard University, BA from Lyon College
Phoenix, Arizona
Languages Spoken
English, tiny fragments of college French
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