Lifestyle & Human Interest

Last Video Games for Each System... Do You Remember These?


Nintendo Virtual Boy – 3D Tetris (1996)

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This was a short lived disaster of a console. It was released in the summer of 1995, only lasting eight months in the US. The Virtual Boy is still known for its headache-inducing screen, with wonderful qualities like red-on-red color blocking that would make your eyes feel like they just watched a solar eclipse.

Tetris 3-D was this systems final tragic game, which you can assume — if you never played it for yourself — that having only red pieces to put together is just an utter joy — not.

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Zach Ferguson is a writer with expertise in the fields of Communication, Digital Marketing and Entertainment.
Zach Ferguson is a writer with expertise in the fields of Communication, Digital Marketing and Entertainment. Besides writing, Zach enjoys entrepreneurial ventures such as podcasting, brand creation and Instagram marketing. He is also the Network Communications Director for his church.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Bachelors in Communications
Grove City College Class of 2017
Phoenix, Arizona
Languages Spoken
Topics of Expertise
Digital Marketing, Technology, Culture, Entertainment
