
Netflix Under Fire After New Show Depicts Sickening Underage Orgy Scene


This is not the first time online streaming service Netflix has come under fire. But this time may be a new low.

A new show, titled “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina,” is a reboot of the popular comic book and television series “Sabrina the Teenage Witch.”

Geared for teen girls, the reboot isn’t even close to the family-friendly comics and TV show it is based upon. Outrage ensued when “viewers were bombarded with a steamy orgy scene featuring underage characters,” reported Fox News.

Fox News described the scene as follows: “The orgy scene – set to Fiona Apple’s ‘Criminal’ – appears in the seventh episode of the series and features half-a-dozen scantily clad teens in Sabrina’s house. When the 16-year-old namesake character is hesitant to join in, she’s mocked for ‘killing the mood’ and told to either ‘get in, or get out.'”

On social media, the common complaints were that viewers were “uncomfortable” with the scene and felt it was inappropriate.

Is this kind of disturbing content going to make you boycott Netflix?

But some saw a trend within Hollywood overall — “kiddie porn” and the normalization of generally inappropriate sexualized content.

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Even the cast of the original TV show watched this reboot and commented on how it was not appropriate for their own children. It was not their “Sabrina,” it was “dark,” and there were things in there, such as nudity, they were not allowed to do on their own show.

Their reactions and commentary also added that the show is “scary.” One cast member even noted that the new “Sabrina” was “political” and “empowered.”

And perhaps that is part of the problem. There is an idea, particularly on the left, that the sexualization of females equals empowerment.

While speaking with Fox News, Family Research Council’s senior fellow Peter Sprigg hit on more than one reason, including the occult, why the reboot was not appropriate for its target audience. Or anyone.

“Taking once-wholesome comic book characters and turning them into sinister and hyper-sexualized TV characters is a troubling trend in itself.” He added, “The show has gone over the top in depicting an actual orgy on screen, and if they think having the teen participants keep their underwear on makes it all right, the writers and producers need to think again.”

“This content is not appropriate for anyone, but especially not for the teen audience it targets.” Other shows, such as “Riverdale,” have also been blasted for their sexual content with young audiences, characters and performers.

Both the orgy scene in “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” and the sexualized content trend as a whole are woefully out-of-touch and tasteless.

When shows are too inappropriate for the audiences they target, Hollywood really needs to clean up its act. Our children deserve better.

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