
Bernie Sanders Reveals Plan To Use Biden To Force What Voters Have Already Rejected


Sometimes even socialists let the mask slip.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a man whose ideas have been soundly defeated by even Democratic voters in two presidential primary campaigns, unveiled his backup plan Monday to an online gathering of progressives getting ready for the last push to win the 2020 election against President Donald Trump:

He wants to turn the Joe Biden who’s running for president into a president who will try to run American lives.

Speaking to an online gathering of the leftist group People’s Action aimed at launching the group’s get-out-the-vote effort, Sanders made it clear that there was a reason he ran against Biden for the 2020 nomination.

But he made it equally clear that while he couldn’t capture the White House himself, leftists could capture a potential Biden administration — basically imposing on American voters the kind of rule even liberal Americans have resoundingly rejected, twice.

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“I think, number one, in the next three months, we do everything that we can at a grassroots level to defeat Donald Trump and elect Joe Biden,” Sanders said.

“Do we agree with everything that Joe Biden stands for? No, we don’t, I don’t,” Sanders said. “But right now, the immediate task is not only to defeat Trump, but to defeat him badly.

“And then, after we help elect Biden, the day after, we stand up and do everything we can to make sure that President Biden is the most progressive president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.”

To many Americans, especially American Democrats who still hero-worship Roosevelt, that might sound comforting, like the lip service Sanders pays to improving life for workers.

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But the reality is, FDR’s policies hurt the U.S. economy significantly. And progressive though they were, his leftist proposals were a piker compared to the plans Sanders and his comrades are hatching.

Free colleges and universities, Sanders promises. Cancellation of student debt, he vows. Guaranteed health care for all “as a human right,” he declares. Naturally, there’s not a word about who’s going to end up paying for any of that. (Here’s a hint: If you think your taxes are high now, wait until a Biden-Sanders administration starts getting real about “redistributing” wealth.)

But wait, there’s more.

“We’re going to work with Joe Biden to make sure that we effectively address the existential threat of climate change, that we pass a Green New Deal and that we create many millions of good-paying jobs as we do that,” Sanders said.

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Almost everything important in that statement is a lie. The true part is that Sanders will work with a Biden presidency to pass a Green New Deal — it’s a Democratic fetish now that will be part of the party’s dreams for years to come.

The part about “climate change” being an existential threat that needs to be dealt with, and that any government program — much less one run by socialists — will produce “millions” of good-paying jobs is a cancerous fantasy.

During a Democratic primary debate in December, Biden acknowledged that he would accept the sacrifice of “hundreds of thousands” of jobs to achieve a green economy. He claimed that in return, “the opportunity for those workers to transition to high-paying jobs … is real.”

That will be wonderful news for men and women who’ve spent their careers in fossil fuels and related industries — exchanging a solid income in a solid industry for the chimerical “opportunity” to transition into a job managed by central planners out of the Soviet handbook.

They can always, as Biden once put it, “learn to code.” (Then, as far as leftists are concerned, they can learn to beg.)

With the election now less than 90 days away, this has gone beyond fights over Trump’s tweets, the vicious, dishonesty of the American media or the poisonous reign of Nancy Pelosi and her attempts to smear the administration’s name.

These last three months are going to be key to the American future — and it’s up to every American voter to make sure the right side is victorious.

What lies on the other side of Nov. 3 will, if Trump wins, be a rebound of the Trump economy from the coronavirus crisis to the heady days of the soaring stock market, record-low unemployment numbers and a continuing deregulation of businesses that helped that economy grow.

If the sham candidacy of Biden — a man whose handlers have essentially hidden from public view for fear that he will embarrass himself by trying to speak English or make a cogent point — succeeds, Americans can expect a revival of the dismal economy of the Obama years, but magnitudes worse.

The developments of the past four years, as the American left has grown ever more vicious, and in the past four months, as it’s become more literally lawless, will be magnified, with a socialist left openly shaping the Biden administration — as Sanders declared — into the puppet of their dreams.

To be clear, this isn’t politics as usual, where those who happen to be on the winning party’s side attempt to push their agenda as far as possible to a sympathetic administration.

Since sewing up the delegates he needs for the Democratic nomination, Biden has not moved toward the center of American politics to entreat Trump supporters and independents to his side. He has moved left, in a deliberate strategy to expand his support among the radical Sanders crowd.

A Sanders visit to the White House won’t be begging for alms, it will be calling to collect on a debt. And it’s a debt that, through Biden, every American is going to pay — in spades.

Democrats running the stealth campaign trying to force Biden on the American people are doing everything they can to keep their candidate out of the public eye — it’s still even money whether Biden will take the stage in a man-to-man debate with Trump.

But Sanders’ speech to his leftist fellow-travelers on Monday let the truth out.

The Joe Biden being passed off as a folksy uncle who Americans can be comfortable with is being planned as a shell of a president, the figurehead of a socialist regime that aims to remake the fundamental relationship between Americans and their government into one where the government dominates life and business choices.

Biden has spent his entire political career as a political opportunist: an apple-polisher for segregationists in the Senate in the 1970s, a tough-on-crime poser in the 1990s who can’t get a police endorsement now, and an errand boy for the Obama White House whose son happened to grow exceedingly wealthy thanks to Biden’s position.

Now, at the close of his career, his opportunism will make him a creature of the left — and a weapon against the country’s foundational principles of individual liberty and private property.

That’s a vision too many voters are missing right now, thanks to the collusion, the breathtaking bias, of the mainstream media.

Sanders’ was the speech of a man, remember, whose agenda was rejected by the liberals in the Democratic Party — it never even reached a general election.

Yet he has no qualms about using the facade of a Biden presidency to press it on the country as a whole.

On Monday, Sanders let the mask slip. Americans had better never forget what they can see.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.
