
Geraldo on Fire: Publicly Smashes Omarosa for Outrageous Claims of Trump Racism


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The events surrounding the firing of Omarosa Manigault Newman from the White House and the promotion of her new tell-all book are just about as confusing and contentious as it gets in present day liberal media.

As the accusations fly, the anti-Trump news outlets find themselves in a precarious position.

While they’re clearly excited at the prospect of sticking it to President Donald Trump with ammo provided by Manigault Newman, you’ve got to wonder if they’re frustrated by the inaccuracy of the content she is trying to spread.

Geraldo Rivera, the veteran broadcaster who is of Jewish and Puerto Rican heritage, has never made apologies for his liberal leanings. Yet he’s attacking Manigault Newman’s accusations that the president made derogatory statements about Puerto Ricans.

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NBC News reported that Manigault Newman claimed in the book that she tried to get the White House to approve more aid for Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria ravaged the island in October 2017, but said she was shut down by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly. She also claimed both Kelly and the president used derogatory terms to refer to Puerto Ricans on several occasions.

But as NBC also pointed out, she couldn’t back up her statements with details.

“Manigault Newman did not say in her book specifically what those terms were and in an appearance Tuesday on MSNBC with Katy Tur, she repeatedly refused to answer questions about what the derogatory terms were,” NBC reported.

That was putting it mildly. Tur repeatedly tried to get Manigault Newman to describe the terms Trump allegedly used for Puerto Ricans, and her answers kept getting slippier.

If that’s not enough of a red flag on Manigault Newman’s credibility, Rivera stepped in to put a fine point on just how beyond belief her statements really are.

It doesn’t get much clearer than that. But Rivera’s next Tweet should clear up any possible misunderstandings.

Mainstream media seems to be eating its own. While some grandstanders have made it a priority to increase their own fame by taking attacking the president and the White House, others are now finding themselves throwing that agenda overboard in favor of detailing truth.

Was Geraldo right to step in and shut down Omarosa?
In this case, Rivera sank Omarosa’s ship with a couple of candid tweets.

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Omarosa Manigault Newman is not only in hot water with the leader of the free world, she’s not getting much love from liberal progressives either.

She’s headlining the news cycles now but that won’t last long. After the spotlight fades, she’s likely to find herself in a mountain of litigious trouble as the Trump campaign is pursuing legal action against her for breech of a non-disclosure agreement, according to Business Insider.

What was she thinking? Flying in the face of President Trump, who essentially made her the public figure she is today, couldn’t have been worth it. Could it?

Whatever it was, it’s driving the mainstream media crazy.

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An enthusiastic grassroots Tea Party activist, Lisa Payne-Naeger has spent the better part of the last decade lobbying for educational and family issues in her state legislature, and as a keyboard warrior hoping to help along the revolution that empowers the people to retake control of their, out-of-control, government.
Lisa Payne-Naeger is passionate about all things related to influencing the configuration of our culture … family, education, politics. She’s a former school board member, turned homeschooling mom. In her quest to raise and educate her now-adult children, she has pretty much navigated every challenge and road block possible. Crusading to make the world a better place for them has led her to scrutinize the politically correct directives that steer society.
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