
New Court Filing Details Alec Baldwin's Wild On-Set Behavior That Prosecutors Say Contributed to Cinematographer's Death


Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin was unable to control his emotions on the set of his ill-fated Western film “Rust” before he shot two people — killing one of them — in 2021 in the New Mexico desert, prosecutors alleged.

According to CBS News, the upcoming manslaughter trial will likely focus, at least partially, on the actor’s mental state during the film’s production.

Baldwin was handling a loaded handgun on the set of the film in October 2021 when it discharged.

The film’s armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, was convicted last month of involuntary manslaughter and faces up to 18 months behind bars during her sentencing hearing on April 15.

She loaded a .45 caliber handgun that killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins at the age of 42.

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“Rust” director Joel Souza was also wounded in the shooting, but he survived.

Baldwin has claimed that as an actor he was not responsible for the gun he was holding during the filming of a scene and whether it was loaded with live ammunition or not.

He also previously claimed the gun he was holding discharged without him pulling the trigger.

FBI firearms experts later said the claim was not supported by the evidence, ABC News reported.

A jury will ultimately settle the matter later this year, but on Tuesday the lead prosecutor in the case against him showed her hand in regard to how she intends to go after the 66 year old.

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According to CBS News, prosecutor Kari Morrissey filed a document Monday that cited witness testimony from people on the set who said Baldwin had “no control” of his emotions.

In the filing, Morrissey wrote, “Mr. Baldwin was frequently screaming and cursing at himself, at crew members or at no one and not for any particular reason.”

Morrissey continued, “To watch Mr. Baldwin’s conduct on the set of ‘Rust’ is to witness a man who has absolutely no control of his own emotions and absolutely no concern for how his conduct affects those around him.

“Witnesses have testified that it was this exact conduct that contributed to safety compromises on set.”

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Baldwin’s legal team had not commented on Morrissey’s filing as of Tuesday morning.

The actor has maintained his innocence since Hutchins’ death.

He was initially charged in the on-set shooting death, but those charges were later dropped.

In January this year, he was charged with involuntary manslaughter. The actor is scheduled to be tried in Santa Fe in July.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
